Sunday, July 17, 2011


Traveling the road from Lander to Evanston offers many scenic opportunities that require far more discussion than I can provide right now...but here's a few thoughts.

In the summer, Lander has a Scream Shack, on 1st and Main, that offers fabulous chokecherry shakes among other things.

Leaving Lander (or coming in), make sure to stop and see the amazing red canyon.

If you are going to Pinedale instead of Evanston, and its summer, and you have time, take the Big Sandy road. It's a well-maintained and signed road that takes you across a high plateau with amazing views into Sublette county.

As I came into Farson, I ran into a fierce of those Wyo oddities. We're having a lot of wierd storms this year. This one was just over Farson, and excluded Eden (which is 2 miles away), and was windy and heavy rain. Eden was not precisely sunny, but it was certainly not raining!